What are the Tenses of a Sentence, Examples and List of Tenses

The tenses of a sentence refer to the time when the action or event took place or will take place. There are three main tenses in English grammar: past, present, and future. Each of these tenses has four forms: simple, progressive, perfect, and perfect progressive. Here are some examples:

1.    Simple Present Tense - describes actions that are happening right now, or that regularly happen:

2.    Present Progressive Tense - describes actions that are happening right now:

3.    Simple Past Tense - describes actions that have already happened:

4.    Past Progressive Tense - describes actions that were happening in the past for a period of time:

5.    Present Perfect Tense - describes actions that started in the past and continue until the present:

6.    Present Perfect Progressive Tense - describes actions that started in the past and continue until the present, but also emphasizes the duration of the action:

7.    Past Perfect Tense - describes actions that were completed before a specific time in the past:

8.    Past Perfect Progressive Tense - describes actions that were in progress before a specific time in the past:

9.    Future Simple Tense - describes actions that will happen in the future:

10. Future Progressive Tense - describes actions that will be in progress at a specific time in the future:
