Western Union to stop supporting AdSense, AdMob, and Ad Manager payments

Manila, Philippines — Today, Google Adsense announced that they will no longer support Western Union as as form of payment for Adsense, Admob and Ad Manager payments, ever. Though the announcement was expected since last year, It still a sad news for bloggers/publishers who are relying on WU. Below are the email I received from Google Adsense. 


You’re receiving this message because you currently use Western Union as your form of payment. We're writing to let you know that Western Union will stop supporting AdSense, AdMob and Ad Manager payments in the Asia Pacific region starting September 2022.

What's changing

From September 2022, you will no longer be able to receive your AdSense, AdMob, or Ad Manager payments via Western Union. To avoid any delay to your payment, Google recommends that you switch to another available payment method now, before your payments through Western Union stop. You can continue to receive payments through Western Union until August 31. These must be picked up within 90 days of the payment date.

Thank you for the last few years WU!